Monday 25 March 2019

Wise Words on the Wall

I’m sitting typing my words in my parents’ conservatory. I’ll be moving out soon into my new house and I will need to find a new favourite writing spot but this one has served me well as I have got back into the habit of tapping my thoughts out on the laptop keys.

There are some wise words on the wall of this sunny room.

They resonate with the flash fiction stories I have posted about time over the weekend.

“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

This has been an interesting season for me, moving, having major surgery, recovery, chemo – so much to take in and process. It takes time and I have tried to remain positive.

“Always look on the bright side of life.”

I don’t want to be gloomy.

The second quote is a song lyric is from The Life of Brian, an irreverent take on the life and crucifixion of Christ. And a song my dad has said he wants played at his funeral – actually I think it is a fairly popular choice being upbeat, life carries on.

But the first quote is from Ecclesiastes – possibly one of the most depressing books of the Bible with another quote being “Everything is meaningless.”

Solomon who wrote the words of Ecclesiastes was a wise king so how can he come out with such a bold depressing statement?

Personally, such a statement makes me want to rebel – just look at the sunshine, look at the flowers, the birds I see from the window just sitting here. Think of the good things going on in the world.

Ok sometimes we have to search harder to find the good stuff, you only have to turn on the TV to see news about supposedly meaningful votes and meaningless petitions – but let’s leave those thoughts remaining in a space far from here!

But Solomon has got it right we are dust and whatever you believe about what comes next out earthly bodies will decay.

Solomon takes a more balanced approach that there is a time for everything, a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to build and a time to tear down.

Yes I can try to be as cheerful as I like in front of people, putting on my sunny smile, but my sadness is often private and rarely shared. I do remember tears as I lay in my hospital bed coming to terms with all that had happened in such a short space of time. Further back I remember the sleepness night when Andrew died, dark thoughts running through my head. Probably two of the darkest periods of my life.

But that’s not where I want to dwell and maybe it’s that tiny tablet I take each morning that keeps my thoughts in the positive. I know from experience when I stop taking them my thoughts can spiral downwards.

Mental health is such a big issue at the moment and we all need to acknowledge that even on the sunniest of days a little bit of shade will fall.

 We need to remember there is a time to talk and also a time to listen.

A time to look on the bright side but also a time to be real and challenge the status quo.

So many thoughts in my head and so much going on in the world but let’s just be kinder to each other in this season where much seems meaningless and perhaps together we can look on the bright and sunnier side of life!

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