Friday 15 March 2019

Throwing Glitter

I’m often asked how I keep so positive! Well at least I was asked the other day and I know some people wonder.

After all I have a sob story worthy of a winning contestant on the X Factor, if only I could sing!!!

(Well I think I can sing but I’m not entirely sure Simon Cowell would agree!)

Widowed at 42, I’ve subsequently single handedly raised two sons, now I’m coping with the aftermath of having major surgery for bowel cancer and a complete re-plumbing of my internal digestive system, resulting in me needing an ileostomy bag and the cherry on the icing of the cake I’ve got 6 months worth of chemo to get through!

(A quarter of the way through as I type.)

Good Grief! As Snoopy might have said.

Yes it’s quite a lot to contend with but as I look around other people have different burdens to bear, few people get away with no hardships in their life.

Yesterday I had another appointment with my oncologist. He is happy with the way I am tolerating chemo so far. Side effects are there, particularly with my type of chemo I get tingly fingers when I touch anything too cold. It can be a tricky business just getting the milk out of the fridge for a cuppa! And I get sleepy, but things are bearable, you have to carry on.

Tolerating is an interesting word. And here are the alternatives …

Putting up with an auntie who gives a child a sloppy kiss at Christmas because it is accompanied by a shiny gift under the tree.

Conceding someone with dementia might be right because it keeps the peace.

Stomaching eating a quiche when you don’t like eggs because the person who prepared it prayed for the starving when they said Grace and it would be so rude to leave it. (True story!)

Enduring a cold wet winter’s day to watch a child play football and celebrating the joy of a goal well scored.

We learn to accept things because the alternative is being grumpy!

Now Andrew was a grumpy soul – he even had a Mr Grumpy mug to drink his tea from.

But I don't want to be grumpy (at least I don't today, although I confess I do have grumpy moments, they don't linger when I'm writing!)

One of my leaving gifts when I moved was a mug with Little Miss Fabulous on it. It has the words “Throw glitter in today’s face” on it too.

It has been the mug I’ve used every day since moving in with mum and dad while I wait for my house purchase to be finalised.

It is a mug that reminds me to sparkle, not just tolerate and put up with.

There is much to be thankful for.

Ok if you throw too much glitter around it could blow in your face and grit in your eye doesn’t help you see clearly, so for health and safety be a tiny bit careful but otherwise liberally sprinkle the sparkly stuff far and near.

Do good deeds for one another and shine in the darkest places, this world is so broken, but look out for the goodness, and if you fail to see it then be the goodness in your community.

Go beyond just tolerating if you dare to sparkle!

How do I stay positive? I try to see the glittery bits that twinkle and catch my eye, I smile and always try to make people laugh.

And my mug reminds me everyday!


  1. I love the health and safety warning! Great post. Sending love - and glitter retrieved from forgotten crevices xxxx

  2. Miss your glitter at Saltburn Writers' Sarah - keep writing and sharing, we're listening. xx
