Monday 30 May 2022

Followed by Widows


The title of this could be the start of a creepy gothic adventure, I’m imagining being pursued by wraith like creatures in black veils who float along dark and misty alleyways.

Actually, that might be more interesting to both write and read, maybe I need a new heading?

Perhaps the name of this post isn’t totally accurate either. I want to write about how many widows follow me on Twitter but when I fact checked the number it is actually very small. However, the Twitter algorithms do put lots of tweets on my timeline written by widows and those recently bereaved.

Sometimes I add my own comment, after all I’ve been playing this game for almost twelve years so perhaps, I should consider myself an expert at dispensing wisdom on the subject.

“Be kind to yourself” being the best I have to offer.

In real life I also seem to be followed by widows, maybe I’m not a good friend to have, since I lost Andrew, others in my wider social circle have been widowed and some of those before their mid-fifties. I wonder if God uses algorithms to put like-minded people in your path to offer support when it is most needed?

Early on in my journey I wrote a blog post called Following Foglights and another about being a pioneer. It’s almost laughable that even back then I considered myself a trailblazer. Foreshadowing at its finest maybe, although at 42, I knew others would follow, eventually.

I still hold onto my dreams of writing a book about my experiences and even if my latest plan is to write my story as fiction, a hint of truth, greatly embellished, I hope it expresses some of the challenges and emotions that accompany the grieving process.

Everyone’s journey is different but there are always similarities and common ground. Just knowing you are not alone is comforting.

To that end I really must write the book instead of writing about it. I know I was procrastinating earlier in the month when I wrote about creating a spreadsheet to help with the plot - I've done very little if any actual writing since. 

Please hold me to account and nag me to keep going because there maybe someone following in my wake who needs to read it.

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