Tuesday 15 March 2022

Spring Clean

It may be my default answer to the question "what is your occupation?" but I don’t claim to be the best housewife in the world. Cleaning and dusting and polishing and hoovering are all jobs I happily leave until I am forced to into them by the impending arrival of visitors.

Although to be fair I’m not so house proud that I won’t invite you into my usual lived-in muddle, all I ask is that you don’t write rude messages in the dust.

Standards have inevitably slipped somewhat with Covid and generally not having as many people popping in as I used to gives me license to skip many of the daily chores.  So much socialising is now done on zoom, you only have to keep a small patch of home looking welcoming, you can keep the mess just out of shot. Please tell me it isn't just me is it????

After my big downsize a few years ago I often feel this house is not so conducive to entertaining. It certainly seems very crowded when both boys are home, too small for too many visitors. Our old house really was the hub of so many activities, still I can't claim it was always sparkling though!

All of this is #FirstWorldProblems when you consider the state of the world and the oh so many, far too many, displaced people of the world who have no roof over their head at the current time.

However, that wasn’t really what I wanted to write about today, even if it is one of the biggest things taking up space in my head. I really want to give my blog an airing, blow away the cobwebs and touch it up with a hint of sparkle.

I used to write so regularly, offering my opinions and thoughts, predominantly at first about being a widow, then stretching my writing muscles and venturing into flash fiction with a sprinkling of poetry.

My blog is now like the spare room which is rarely used and has become a bit of a dumping ground for odd thoughts I want to share and I need to put somewhere. While there is nothing wrong with that, I have decided to inject a bit of… well ummm… purpose maybe... structure? Basically just writing more regularly.

I’m certainly doing a lot more writing overall, I’m a regular contributor on the Authors Electric blog, I’ve been writing bits and pieces for church and after having a total re-think of my memoir idea I have been inspired to write over 10,000 words of a new novel, very loosely based on my experiences of widowhood at a young age.

I also have another writerly “thing” going on which I shall keep under wraps for a little while longer.

My diary is filling up with things to do and I’m going to have to get more organised to be on top of it all. Which can only be a good thing.

virtual tea and cake!
For now as I survey my words, adjust a sentence or two, put in a picture, I know that this is once more fit for purpose, presentable, with crafted thoughts waiting to be read, the perfect place for a visitor to pop by.

So grab a cuppa, stay a while, comment if you like, let’s just stay connected even if it’s only virtually. Maybe my thoughts will align with yours, perhaps I’ll challenge you or just make you smile :-) but thanks for popping in. 

Hopefully I’ll see you again soon xx

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