Friday, 29 March 2024

Whatever Happened to Nigel?

While having lunch with friends the other day we were reminiscing about people we knew at 6th form. 

Suddenly one friend said "Whatever happened to Nigel?" 

And this poem was born, with apologies to XTC.

Whatever happened to Nigel?

He had so many plans.

He dreamt of sailing round the world

In a boat made of tin cans.


He wanted to raise tigers

On the scrubland by the park,

Ride his bike, strung up with fairy lights

As it was getting dark


He craved a life full of adventure

You could never call him dull

He must live in some far-flung place

Perhaps the Isle of Mull?


And yet the other day

I thought I spied him on the train

Lank hair dripping wet

Caught out by the rain.


He looked so sad and lonely

Plans puddled at his feet.

“Are you Nigel?” I enquired

“What’s the chance that we should meet!”


I took him home and fed him soup

Tomato from a can

“Did you ever make a boat?

What happened to your plans?”

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