You may have noticed my absence, where have I been since October?
Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, and Slovenia for a start on a lovely cruise...
Then Hawarden in North Wales for a writing retreat in Gladstone's Library.
You see I have been writing and I have kept up a blog, but I've moved.
Sorry I really meant to give you my forwarding address sooner but I've got my own website now. And although I'm still fond of my old blogs and will be back to visit and mine them for treasure, you can now find me at
stick the word blog on the end and you will still have access to my weird, wild, wacky and sometimes wise words.
In some ways blogs have fallen out of favour and maybe one day I'll progress to newsletters, substack, or whatever the latest fashion maybe.
Whatever happens you are still welcome to follow and hopefully sometime in 2025 I will publish book 2.
It's bubbling away nicely, I'm off to stir in a few more words... hopefully see you soon in the new place.